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Play Cash4Life Online

What is the Cash4Life Lottery?

Cash4Life started in June 2014 and is run by 9 of the USA's state lotteries, those of Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Tennessee. Draws are held every evening in New Jersey. Will you hit the jackpot?

Can I play Cash4Life online?

Buying Cash4Life tickets online can be done in a matter of minutes. Simply visit the LottosOnline website, select Cash4Life, choose your lucky numbers and keep your fingers crossed! It's simple, easy and 100% secure.

When is the cut off time for purchasing tickets?

The deadline for ticket purchases on LottosOnline is approximately two hours before the actual draw takes place, so no later than 7pm (Eastern Time) on the days of the draw you wish to play. If you don't want to miss out, make sure you purchase you tickets in advance.

How do I win the Cash4Life?

To play the game, you need to select five numbers, ranging from 1 to 60, and a Cash Ball number ranging from 1 to 4. To win the jackpot you need to match five main numbers and the Cash Ball.

How much can I win?

The Cash 4 Life jackpot has a cash value of $7-Million, while the second-tier prize has a cash value of $1-Million.

How do I find out if I'm a winner?

Whether you've won a few dollars or hit the jackpot, LottosOnline will notify you via email. Alternatively you can check the LottosOnline website for the latest results. Why wait to hear the good news?

How do I claim the money on LottosOnline if I win the jackpot?

Not sure how to get your hands on your new fortune? Don't worry, when you win big with LottosOnline claiming your winnings is easy. After LottosOnline has verified your numbers, your winnings will reflect in your online Winnings Balance. From there, you can request a transfer to a bank account, or convert it to credit in your Account Balance for future games.

If you're a jackpot winner, we'll get in touch to discuss your requirements and make arrangements for you to collect your winning ticket.