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Art from lottery tickets

Mon 10 Oct 2016, By Patty Reynolds
The art of the lottery ticket

Before you started to buy lottery tickets online, what did you do with your old physical lottery tickets? Chances are, you simply crumpled them up and threw them in the trash. Well, Lauren Was and Adam Eckstrom, two graduates from the Rhode Island School of Design have come up with a unique use for discarded lottery tickets.

They turn them into art.

It all started when Lauren and Adam kept finding discarded lottery tickets. They collected them and thought about all the hopes, dreams and wishes they once represented to the people who bought them. That’s when they had the idea to turn these tickets into the objects that most lottery winners would purchase with their winnings.

Their first piece was a Hummer H3, made entirely out of the tickets they discovered. It’s an impressive piece of using $39 000 worth of lottery tickets. Could you imagine assembling enough US Powerball or Mega Millions tickets to build your own hummer? To say nothing of how much time it would take to construct.

From the Hummer, they moved on to creating a ‘dream vacation’ out of lottery tickets. The couple, who work under the moniker ‘Ghost of a Dream’, estimated that it would take around $29 000 to take your family on a dream vacation. Using lottery tickets they created a floating island complete with palm tree, inner tubes and a speaker that plays resort-style muzak.

Flashy cars and exotic locations are very much associated with those who play US lottery games. But China is only second to America when it comes to the popularity of the Italian sports car, the Lamborghini. So the couple decided to create a Lamborghini out of lottery tickets in China. But their most incredible project by far is their installation in Basel, Switzerland.

This is where the couple created their ‘Dream Home’ by papering the inside of a dining room in $70 000 worth of lottery tickets! Every wooden panel and object in this room is artfully decorated with colourful lottery tickets and the effect is mesmerising.

Who would have thought that old forgotten lottery tickets could be turned into works of art that capture the hopes and dreams they once represented. Good art always makes you think, and Lauren and Adam have certainly achieved that with their sculptures and installations. And it’s lovely that those lottery tickets have been immortalised. Even though they weren’t winning tickets, they’ve become something even more valuable. Now of course, you can buy lottery tickets online, which means you won’t get the chance to get crafty with your old lottery tickets.

And you’re not limited to playing the American lottery online either. There are hundreds of different lotteries all over the world and you can use the services of an online lottery ticket agent to access some of the biggest international lotteries. For example, you can buy EuroMillions online from anywhere in the world. Even if you aren’t a European citizen or resident, you can play one of Europe’s biggest lotteries.

And while you may not get to hold your lottery tickets in your hand, there’s no possibility of losing or damaging them either. If Lauren and Adam had taken the time to check all the lottery tickets they collected, they might have discovered a winner. Could you imagine picking up US Powerball ticket that someone had thrown away and realised they had actually picked the winning numbers?

Another advantage of playing the lottery online is that you never have to worry about checking the draw results. The online lottery agents not only purchase official lottery tickets on your behalf and store them safely; they check your tickets for you. And if you’re a winner, they’ll claim your prize and pay it into your account with them. They’ll email you with all the details so the only thing you have to do is check your inbox regularly.

When you buy lottery tickets online, your lottery ticket agent should send you scanned copies of your official lottery tickets. They do this so you can be sure that they are using your money to buy your lottery tickets. If an online lottery ticket agent doesn’t supply you with scanned copies of your official lottery tickets you should be suspicious. They may simply be betting on the outcome of the lottery and insuring the jackpot amount. You risk not being paid out your prize if you play the lottery online this way.

Now, if you should play US online and win, you may not be able to construct an entire Hummer H3, but you could print out your scanned copy and get it framed. That’s one way to turn a lottery ticket into art. And if you become the biggest EuroMillions winner, you could afford to do all the things that lottery winners dream about. And, you could buy some of Lauren and Adam’s amazing art to keep the dreams of other lottery players alive.