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UK couple who won £33 million to reunite long-lost family

Thu 21 Jan 2016, By Patty Reynolds
UK couple who won £33 million to reunite long-lost family

This couple with the winning lottery ticket for the UK National Lottery are not only planning to celebrate in style, but will be bringing their family together for the first time in five years.

Earlier this year, David and Carol Martin won an astounding £33 million jackpot, half of the £66 million total that was paid out by the National UK Lottery and for the first time in their lives can reunite their family (plus party like celebrities).

The other lottery winners who won also won £33 million are as yet to claim their share of the winnings.

The Martin's used part of their millions to bring home their estranged daughter Lisa, who had emigrated to Melbourne over five years ago. Lisa flew home with a first-class ticket and will be joining her parents back in Newcastle, where they hail from. Upon arrival, Lisa was shuttled in style to a five-star hotel to embrace her parents once more.

When Lisa was interviewed regarding her parent's win, she expressed how utterly shocked she still was. "I am still not sure if I really believe it yet. At the moment I am in a dream world. It was a bit of a shock." Lisa's original plan was to live in Melbourne forever, saying that she has lived there for half a decade, has made a life for herself and possibly plans to return one day.

Lisa's Mother, Ann, said that the win was simply brilliant and the family is together once more. "My other daughter and son-in-law are with them. They are having a big party. I'm looking forward to seeing Lisa as I've not seen her for four or five years."

What other plans do the Martin's have besides spending it on their family? One of David's wishes is to travel to space, an activity that costs well over $100 000 if one was to travel on the Virgin Galactic. As David says, space is "his final frontier" and now, with the help of the lottery, he's able to conquer it.